Showing 373–384 of 401 results

Parramón Book 101 Watercolor Techniques


This is a book to learn and advance in the art of watercolor and therefore offers the reader no less than 101 different techniques illustrated in as many step-by-step sequences. The sequences are relatively short: they take up one or two pages of the book at most. It is more than enough space to give an account, with clarity and simplicity, of all the techniques of watercolor painting.

Each example incorporates indications about the materials used and their level of difficulty. In this way, both the beginner and the professional will find options according to their possibilities.

Libro Parramón 101 Técnicas Acrílico

La manera más eficaz de aprender a pintar y avanzar en la práctica de la pintura es pintando. Éste es un libro para aprender a avanzar en el arte de la pintura acrílica, y por ello propone al lector nada menos que 101 técnicas distintas ilustradas en otras tantas secuencias paso a paso. Las secuencias son relativamente cortas: salvo contadas excepciones, ocupan una o dos páginas. Es un espacio más que suficiente para dar cuenta, de una forma clara y sencilla, de todas las técnicas que caracterizan a la pintura acrílica. Cada ejemplo incorpora indicaciones acerca de los materiales utilizados y de su nivel de dificultad. De esta manera, tanto el principiante como el profesional encontrarán opciones acordes con sus posibilidades.

Book Parramón 101 Oil Techniques


This is a book to learn to advance in this art and therefore offers the reader no less than 101 different techniques illustrated in as many step-by-step sequences. The sequences are relatively short: they take up one or two pages at most. It is more than enough space to give an account, with clarity and simplicity, of all the techniques of oil painting.

Each example incorporates indications about the materials used and their level of difficulty. In this way, both the beginner and the professional will find options according to their possibilities.


Libreta Inspiration Duo A5

Cuaderno cosido tamaño A5 con cubierta personalizable con papel Canson Mi-Teintes y papel permanente Canson Crob’Art (96 g/m2). Sus esquinas redondeadas permiten almacenarlo con facilidad sin daños. Ligero y flexible, es ideal para el trabajo de estudio. Ideal for: lápiz, pastel, carboncillo y rotulador. Also suitable for: escribir y tomar notas. Garantía de longevidad Cumple la norma ISO 9706, sin ácido y sin blanqueadores ópticos. Se venden en paquetes de dos.

Universal Art Book Canson


Cuaderno fácil de transportar y más duradero. También tiene un bolsillo muy práctico para guardar artículos/papeles sueltos. Su cierre elástico es innovador: al estar unido al interior, el elástico no queda suelto, manteniendo así su aspecto estético. Con sus 112 hojas y papel de dibujo permanente Crob'Art, Canson Universal Art Book es polivalente y duradero en todos los sentidos.

El papel Canson Crob'Art es un papel blanco, con un gramaje de 96 g/m2, con espesor ligero y textura fina. Ha sido especialmente diseñado para estudios y bocetos rápidos realizados en lápiz, carboncillo, lápiz de grafito y sanguina. Incluso resiste aguadas ligeras y es muy fácil de borrar. Cumple la norma ISO 9706, sin ácido y sin blanqueadores ópticos.

Cuaderno One Canson

Este preciado Canson Art Book es un compañero diario indispensable. Papel de dibujo Canson de 100 g/m2. Cubierta negra ligeramente granulada. Cuaderno cosido con un sistema de encuadernación que permite abrir la libreta en plano. Ideal para: lápiz, pastel, carboncillo y rotulador. También adecuado para: escribir y tomar notas. 196 páginas. Libre de ácido.

Cuaderno 180° Canson

Este cuaderno de 80 hojas con bordes redondeados se puede abrir por completo para dar rienda suelta a la expresión artística. Papel permanente y duradero Canson Crob’Art (96 g/m2). Cubierta negra, elegante y sólida. Sistema de cierre magnético. Ideal for: lápiz, pastel, carboncillo y rotulador. Adecuado también para: escribir y tomar apuntes. Grano ligero. Libre de ácido.  

Acrylic Canson

Paper Canson Acrylic It is a heavy weight paper (400g/m2) cold pressed, mass and surface glued, resistant and absorbent. It is perfectly suited for diluted acrylic paint, to achieve a washed or multi-layered effect. Its cold-pressed grain is especially suitable for washes, evoking the delicacy and transparency of watercolor. This acid-free paper has excellent longevity and will last for years. It is a natural white color, as it does not contain optical brighteners. Ideal for: acrylic (oil or watercolor style) Also suitable for: mixed media Quantity: 50 sheets  

Figueras Canson

It is a role of 290 g/m2High quality, durable specially designed for oil painting. It offers a high-performance barrier to absorb oil, binders and water uniformly, thus guaranteeing exceptional resistance to the surface paint layer. Uncoated, with a natural canvas-like texture. This acid-free paper offers excellent longevity and can be kept for long periods. Lightweight and ready to use, ideal as a mobile device, whether at home, in the field or in the studio. It is also perfectly suitable for oily and acrylic pastels, with significant impasto effects. Ideal for: oil, acrylic oil and oil pastel. 10 sheets. The 30 x 40 pad is glued on all 4 sides, the 38 x 46 and 41 x 33 pads are glued on only one side.

illustration Manga Canson

Paper 250g/m2 specific for illustration, comics and manga. Illustration Manga is a smooth white paper that offers the possibility of mixing different tools such as acrylic or water-based markers, markers, pencils, gouache, inks, etc. Its surface is resistant to scratches, tape and erasing. Its tone provides excellent color contrast even when scanning. Ideal for: pencil, marker, marker, pen, ink and gouache. 12 sheets. Acid free.

The Wall Canson

Completely opaque, The Wall is a revolutionary paper aimed at graffiti artists, illustrators and designers. It has all the benefits of a real wall and is resistant to alcohol-based markers and aerosols. It also allows you to draw clear and precise lines with very fine or thick markers. Thanks to a unique manufacturing process, the ink does not bleed through, even when used repeatedly. Rigid and white, it allows you to create large areas with a lot of ink. Smooth and flexible despite its significant weight, it offers excellent results even when used on both sides.
Ideal for alcohol-based markers and aerosol pumps. It is also suitable for using pencil, ink, pen and markers. Weight: 200 g/m2 Available in size 21 x 31.4 cm - A4+ and 29.7 x 43.7 cm - A3+ 30 sheets. Acid free.

Guarro Canson Graphite

Manufactured in a round machine, which provides excellent quality and resistance. Ideal for dry techniques: graphite, charcoal or sanguine. 160 g/m² The fine grain of this paper, with a 30% cotton, allows a good grip of the graphite lead. It withstands the maximum pressure of firm strokes, but you also get subtlety to create bass and midtones. Acid-free, with alkaline reserve and antifungal treatment to guarantee unalterable conservation. Dry techniques: graphite, charcoal and sanguine.