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Book Parramón 101 Drawing Techniques

This is a book to learn and advance in the art of drawing, and therefore the reader is offered no less than 101 different techniques illustrated in as many step-by-step sequences. The sequences are relatively short: they take up one or two pages at most. It is more than enough space to give an account, in a clear and simple way, of all the techniques of the art of drawing. Each example incorporates precise indications about the materials used and their level of difficulty. In this way, both the beginner and the more experienced artist will find options according to their possibilities. 

Parramón Book 101 Watercolor Techniques


This is a book to learn and advance in the art of watercolor and therefore offers the reader no less than 101 different techniques illustrated in as many step-by-step sequences. The sequences are relatively short: they take up one or two pages of the book at most. It is more than enough space to give an account, with clarity and simplicity, of all the techniques of watercolor painting.

Each example incorporates indications about the materials used and their level of difficulty. In this way, both the beginner and the professional will find options according to their possibilities.

Libro Parramón 101 Técnicas Acrílico

La manera más eficaz de aprender a pintar y avanzar en la práctica de la pintura es pintando. Éste es un libro para aprender a avanzar en el arte de la pintura acrílica, y por ello propone al lector nada menos que 101 técnicas distintas ilustradas en otras tantas secuencias paso a paso. Las secuencias son relativamente cortas: salvo contadas excepciones, ocupan una o dos páginas. Es un espacio más que suficiente para dar cuenta, de una forma clara y sencilla, de todas las técnicas que caracterizan a la pintura acrílica. Cada ejemplo incorpora indicaciones acerca de los materiales utilizados y de su nivel de dificultad. De esta manera, tanto el principiante como el profesional encontrarán opciones acordes con sus posibilidades.

Book Parramón 101 Oil Techniques


This is a book to learn to advance in this art and therefore offers the reader no less than 101 different techniques illustrated in as many step-by-step sequences. The sequences are relatively short: they take up one or two pages at most. It is more than enough space to give an account, with clarity and simplicity, of all the techniques of oil painting.

Each example incorporates indications about the materials used and their level of difficulty. In this way, both the beginner and the professional will find options according to their possibilities.