Inktense Blocks Derwent


All the shine of pencils Yonktense, but in a thick block that makes it easy to cover large areas very quickly. Like pencils, you can use the blocks dry, but they come into their own when you mix them with water and the color becomes a vibrant ink. Once dry, the color is permanent and you can work on it. It's also great for use on silk and cotton!

Colors: sorbete de limón, amarillo sol, mandarina, rojo amapola, rojo chile, shiraz, fucsia, violeta, azul iris, azul brillante, índigo profundo, azul mar, verde azulado, verde jónico, verde manzana, verde campo, verde hoja, mostaza, Tierra cocida, sauce, corteza, gris carbón, negro tinta y blanco antiguo.


2 in stock


La forma gruesa los hace extremadamente versátiles.

Ideal para paisajes sueltos, expresivos y vibrantes bodegones; aplicarlos a la seda, decoupage y estampación de caucho.

Úselos secos para aplicar líneas finas o trazos amplios y expresivos.  Mojados, se pueden usar como recipientes de pintura: agregue agua para obtener un efecto de acuarela o aplíquelos directamente para darle intensidad.

El juego de 24 colores se puede combinar con lápices Inktense para obtener efectos adicionales.

Shipping and Deliveries


We ship nationwide through the Costa Rica Post Office. We send your packages to any part of the country with reduced delivery times, among other benefits.

  • National coverage.
  • Home delivery, Correos de Costa Rica branches.
  • Barcode tracking.  «Track package»


If you need to check delivery times, here you can view them.


In the cart you will be able to see the shipping rate according to the delivery area.