Light and shadow drawing

Shading is the most used resource in drawing manuals, and one of the ones that requires the most learning time. The placement of shadows is not an arbitrary matter, but rather responds to systematic rules that determine their position, shape, extension and density. This work exposes several procedures to rationalize shading and get the most out of its representation. It studies how shadows are drawn, what the most common methods are, their correct relationship with light, and how to represent volumes with basic chiaroscuro techniques to achieve the desired three-dimensionality and depth effect. In short, it is a very complete compendium that tells novice artists how to correctly solve any shading variant, based on exercises and steps by step that serve as inspiration and encourage them to put into practice all the techniques described.

Aula de Botánica

Los artistas botánicos poseen un estatus único: pueden capturar imágenes de plantas y mostrárselas al mundo, «desbloqueando» la ciencia para aquellas personas que no pertenecen al ámbito científico, y seduciéndolas con unas imágenes bellas, dibujadas y pintadas por manos muy hábiles. En este libro, Isik Güner, reconocida artista botánica, comparte contigo su experiencia de contemplar especies silvestres de todo el mundo, y también su particular manera de investigar y de componer ilustraciones de especímenes vivos. Esperamos que te sirva de guía en tu propio viaje y te inspire para que salgas a buscar algunas muestras de plantas y pongas a punto tus pinceles.