Showing 25–32 of 32 results

Base Selladora Acrilex

Para sellar materiales porosos como madera, MDF, cerámica e yeso. Tamaño: 100 ml.

Diluyente Solvente Acrilex

Para dilución de Barniz y Esmalte Vitral, Goma Laca, Laca China y Barniz Cristal Acrilex. Disponible de 100 ml y 500 ml.

Acrilex Mineral Spirit

For dilution of the products: Judea Bitumen, Turpentine, Cobalt Dryer, Matte Varnish and General Varnish. Available in 500 ml and 100 ml presentation.

Acrilex modeling paste

To create reliefs, textures and make applications of various objects and materials on frames and craft pieces, such as wood, ceramics, plaster and cardboard. Available in 250 ml and 500 ml.

Barniz Vitral Mate Acrilex 100ml

Barniz con acabado mate para imitar efecto de vidrio esmerilado sobre piezas de vidrio, cerámica y porcelana.

Textura Snow Acrilex 120ml

Textura para efectos de nieve. Puede ser aplicada en madera, yeso, cerámica, MDF, papel, tela, vidrio, corcho y telgopor. 120 ml. Puede ser aplicada con espátula o esponja. Listo para uso. Diluyente: água.

Acrilex Milky Thermoline

To protect seams and embroidery, avoiding fraying during trimming work. For cotton fabrics. Do not use on synthetic or rubberized fabrics. 250 ml.

Diluyente de pintura de tela Acrilex

Indicated for dilution of Acrilex Fabric Paint and delay drying. Do not use on synthetic or rubberized fabrics. Wash the fabric only 72 hours after application. Does not require fixing with an iron. Available in 60ml and 120ml size