Compared to conventional natural clay, PLUS paste no cooking required, showing great hardness and resistance. Once the piece is dry, it can be colored or varnished. Allows you to make pieces that are difficult to dry without cracks or fissures during drying.
Relative to other hardenable pastes, PLUS is basically composed of natural clays, which can be seen in its touch, plasticity and, above all, in the absence of its smell.
Unlike hardenable pastes on the market, clay PLUS can be turned.
Es aconsejable amasar la arcilla antes de empezar el trabajo. Si en el transcurso del trabajo la arcilla pierde plasticidad, basta con humedecerse ligeramente las manos para recuperarla. Se modela fácilmente. También puede moldearse (recomendamos moldes de escayola) y tornearse en torno de alfarero. Es posible realizar objetos macizos o de paredes muy delgadas con resultados óptimos.